09.30 Registration - Ogilvie Room, Geography Building 10.00 Welcome Bruce Gittings (University of Edinburgh) 10.10 Session: Hazards Chair: Tom Armitage (Maptiler) Daily Hazard Assessment: using the power of geospatial and visualisation to make hazard warnings easy to understand Duncan Moss (Ordnance Survey) Monitoring Earth’s deformation from space for seismic hazard, climate change, flood risk and sustainable development Qi Ou (University of Edinburgh) 11.10 Coffee 11.40 Session: Open Systems Chair: Guy Chisholm (CGI) Open Source for Estate Management Christine Brown and Will Carter (Buccleuch Estates) Diving into Open Water Carmel Connolly (ESRI) 12.40 Lunch (Ogilvie Room) 14.00 Session: Research Chair: Amy Tyndall (Eolas Insight) GIS for Earth Science at the BGS Amelia Baptie (British Geological Survey) Examples of using LLMs and LVMs for spatial analysis Phil Bartie (Heriot-Watt University) Driving Insights: Leveraging Machine Learning to Understand Causes of Road Collisions Caroline Broughton (SYSTRA) 15.30 Close 15.40 Tea, possibly some beer :-) 17.00 Celebration of William's Retirement, jointly with AGI-S/EEO Seminar Series Chair: Iain Cameron (EOLAS Insight) Automating Cartography: A Game of Snakes and Ladders William Mackaness (University of Edinburgh) William will be reflecting on his 40 years of research into the field of geographical modelling as it relates to the design of maps. He will be talking about the design of maps and how we make sense of them, and how his research fits into this rapidly evolving space. EVENING EVENTS: From 18.00 Bar, Probably Pleasance Bar as there's football everywhere else :-) 7.30pm Restaurant (Pizza Posto, South Bridge)