GISUpdate Conference - Contact:


Friday 4th June 2010

 09.30  Coffee (Old Library)
 10.00	Welcome (Room 2.13)

 10.10	Session: Systems
 	Chair: Melissa Fedrigo (Ecometrica)

	Outside the Realm of the GI Expert - Software for the Businessman or
	Tim Rideout (XYZ Mapping)

	Productivity Enhancements in ArcGIS 10 Desktop
	Emma Sandison (ESRI UK)

 11.10	Coffee
 11.30	Session: Spatial Data Infrastructures
 	Chair: Iain Cameron (The University of Edinburgh)

        Distributed GIS - A retrospective in relation to Cloud computing and what this means for you
        Niall Carter (ESRI UK)

        EDINA:  Contributions to SDI development in Scotland and beyond
        Tim Riley (EDINA)

 12.30	Lunch
 14.00	Session: Research
 	Chair:  Neil Stuart (The University of Edinburgh)

	A view from the top: Advances in Aerial Archaeology and GIS
	Anthony Corns (The Discovery Programme)

        Understanding the Legibility of Space: Self Organising Maps in Jakarta
        William Mackaness (The University of Edinburgh)

 15.00	Tea
 15.30	Session: Data Issues
 	Chair: Catherine Schroder (The University of Edinburgh)

	The missing link? Geography and Linked Data as an enabler for enterprise data integration
	Phil Francis  (Informed Solutions)

	Making Spatial Data Free: What are the Implications
	Bruce Gittings (University of Edinburgh)

 16.30	Open Forum
        Chair: Bruce Gittings (University of Edinburgh)

 17.30	Close

FRIDAY EVENING:  From 6.00pm Pear Tree (opp. Appleton Tower) 
                 7.30pm Restaurant (Ti Amo, South Bridge) 
                 c.10.30pm Brass Monkey (Drummond Street)
SATURDAY EVENT:  From 3.00pm 'til v.late BBQ at Bruce's House (Tel: 667 0184)
                 26 Cameron March (by Cameron Toll Shopping Centre)
                 Bring Meat (if you want to) and Booze. Sausages, salads, rolls and other basics provided.