GISUpdate Conference - Contact:


Friday 8th June 2001

  09.30	Coffee (Room 2.02)
 10.00	Welcome (Room 2.13)
 10.10	Session: Novel Web Applications
 	Chair: David Mcleod

        Spreading the word: the use of web-based GIS in Foot-and-Mouth control
        Ross Carter (MAFF)
        Customisable, Dynamic Landscapes and OpenGIS
        Ross Purves (University of Edinburgh)
 11.10	Coffee
 11.30	Session: Geodemographics
 	Chair: Alan Douglas (IME)

        GIS and marketing - knowing tomorrow's market today!
        Zoltan Hesley (Eurodirect)
        The visualisation of qualitative information in retailing
        Barb Ball (University of Edinburgh)
 12.30	Lunch
 14.00	Session: Cartography
 	Chair: David Andrews (Mapping Solutions)
        Making spaghetti into rivers
        William Mackaness and Nicholas Regnauld (University of Edinburgh)

        GIS, Cartography and Tony Blair
        Tim Rideout (XYZ Mapping Company)

 15.00	Tea
 15.20	Session: Corporate GIS
 	Chair: Bruce Gittings (University of Edinburgh)

        Web Enabling the Corporate GIS
        Richard Coombes (Informed Solutions)

        Spatially Enabling the Enterprise!
        Kevin McLay (Shell UK Exploration and Production)

 16.20	Open Forum
        Chair: Alistair Towers (University of Edinburgh, Data Library)

 17.20	Close

FRIDAY EVENING  (all provisional):  From 6.00pm Tron / Ceilidh House 
                 8.00pm Restaurant (Banglalore, Tolcross) 
                 c.10.30pm Hogshead, 30-32 Bread St (near Bangalore)
SATURDAY EVENT:  From 3.00pm 'til v.late BBQ at Bruce's House (Tel: 667 0184)
                 26 Cameron March (by Cameron Toll Shopping Centre)
                 Bring Meat and Booze. Sausages, salads, rolls and other basics provided.