GISUpdate Conference - Contact:

Inaugurated in 1992, the GIS Update one-day conferences are specifically designed to give you an opportunity to hear about the latest GIS research at Edinburgh, and particularly developments and trends in industry. It is an excellent forum to discuss the world of employment, as they are well attended by past GIS/EO&GM graduates.

Note that GISUpdate is a closed conference, available only to the current and former students and staff of the School of GeoSciences (previously Department of Geography) at the University of Edinburgh. We also extend a warm welcome to confirmed future students (holding offers) for our cluster of GIS M.Sc. programmes (GIS , GIS & Archaeology, Earth Observation & Geoinformation Management). This policy means that speakers can be more candid than would otherwise be possible, extending the benefit of the conference to participants. The Chatham House Rule applies.

The detailed aims of the conference are three fold:

GIS Update runs every year with the minimum possible administrative overhead, and this web site is intended to make information provision easier and the registration process simpler and more efficient for you and for me! Please use the link below to register in advance, that way we have numbers for catering and can ensure a badge is available for you on arrival.

Further information:

The conference takes place within the Institute of Geography on Drummond Street. We assume that you know where this is, so once you have registered, just come along!

Please help us by keeping other enquiries to the minimum, but if you need to contact me in a GISUpdate context please direct enquiries to:


Thank you!
Bruce and Tom